Learning only leads to knowledge, but applying what you learned is what leads to intelligence. Conducting research and writing a dissertation is no easy task, I don’t have to sell you on that. With that in mind, you may have wondered what a dissertation coach can do for you. Things to consider are: Having a dissertation coach is motivating by providing vicarious learning experiences through observations and modeling. You will see how research is to be done, hear and feel the process, have someone who knows exactly what you are going through who can empathize with you. You will have someone to redirect your mistakes, celebrate your successes, and challenge your thinking with the goal of stimulating achievements.
Observation and Modeling
Observations are ways for examining the interpretation and application of information so that you create new knowledge and understanding by synthesizing and presenting multiple sources evidence. Modeling is accomplished through demonstrations provided, by learning and using new tools, hacks, and processes for helping you accomplish your goals. Modeling also includes diagramming your study partly or wholly, so that you have a better visual understanding of what you are studying and defending.
Obstacles to Completion:
Many candidates lose motivation along the way. One major area contributing to lowering motivation among doctoral candidates is a lack of proper instructions. These instructions are the necessary information needed for success. Numerous candidates rely on their committee chair to be their academic coach, and of course, this is not the role of the chair. Figuring out what is needed, and the quality of requirements sometimes takes years, and many never meet the standard. Every doctoral candidate begins their doctoral journey with one thing in mind, and that is graduating with their doctorate degree. Everyone of importance and even those that are not so important knows that you are taking on this worthwhile and admirable task. After spending large sums of money and getting to the “all but dissertation” (ABD) stage, you realize that no one is going to give you a doctorate degree, you have to earn it. Many times, personality, emotions, and preference also get in the way, and the only one suffering is you.
Benefits of Using a Coach:
Ask yourself, what is completing your dissertation and graduating worth to you? Can you put a price on it? Investing in yourself increases the likelihood of graduating by 50% to 70%, compared to if you did it on your own. Afterall, remember only approximately 30% of all students who begin their doctorate journey, graduate with their degree. The truth is, many more could graduate by receiving a bit more help, motivation, direction, and support. Remember, reading provides information, but intelligence only comes in the application of knowledge and information. All of this is accomplished through practice, mastery, support, and most of all, commitment. This is where a dissertation coach helps.
As a coach, I don’t just have conversations with you, I will help you create realistic plans and help you understand what is likely preventing you from reaching your goals. I will also show you how to fix these issues. I help you defend yourself against your chair and committee members by preparing you for the worst but expecting the best. Most of all, using a dissertation coach helps you stay accountable and motivated towards your commitments. If you are going to be part of any doctoral candidate statistics, be the part of the 30% that complete their research and graduate. I love my job and I am motivated and dedicated towards helping doctoral candidates like you complete their goal, which is earning a doctorate degree. If you believe that using the services of an experienced (15yrs) dissertation coach most likely increases your chances of completing and graduating with your degree, feel free to reach out to me. I am sure, I can help you.
Dr. D. Chris Alleyne
Academic Dissertation Research Coaching Specialist (15 yrs. Exp.)
Statistics, Research Design, Dissertation Expertise.
Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed Methods
Alleyne Academics, Inc.
A division of Alleyne Consulting Firm, Inc.
Helping Doctoral Students Achieve Self-actualizing Greatness!
“Success, No Excuses”
Mobile: 980-722-2627
Web: http://www.alleyneacademics.com/
The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night. – HW Longfellow.
“We Can Do This Together”