Exciting Use of Theory - Alleyne Academics Inc.

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Exciting Use of Theory

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Scientific theory and why we need it.

Social science research is based on a term we call a theory, which evolved from the Greek word, theoria, simply meaning “a look at”. Many students struggle with the role of a theory in research and the benefits of theories in general. The truth is that we all use theories every day, mostly from an informal perspective. Informal theories are used for things like how to choose a mate, a career, or where to live. The thinking is, if we choose A, then B is likely to happen. For example, if we choose to educate ourselves, then we expect to have a higher quality of life. This is the use of theories in its basic form, not that complicated, right?

Social science is all about creating and testing theories. In science however, there is more rigorous testing and continuous questioning. In science, we state or pose theories in formal ways using precise language. Theories comprise of one or more principles and each of these principles have a common base but may vary in scope within the same theory. Using these theories in research allows us to confirm, disconfirm, or extend its use in science under certain conditions. The same theory can be used in many settings or in different populations and show benefit, because the same principles apply.

Social scientist often argue that theories are meant to explain why a state or condition exist, predict a particular outcome given certain factors. In essence, theories must be able to explain before predicting. The ultimate goal of using a theory is for providing explanations on the type of conditions (factors) necessary to predict a specific outcome. The problem with this predictability is that things are always changing. For instance, what people was able to predict 100 years ago about flying has changed so much that they would be amazed about aviation today. What we know now will seem so remote 100 years from now to future generations. Science and theories are always evolving and changing ever so slightly, and as social scientist, we too must become more adjusted to the scientific world. When science is successful, our way of understanding how things work change. For all its benefits, science is not for the weak hearted.

As a dissertation coach, I am here to help you align your thinking with scientific models, faster and most times better than if you were doing it on your own. These skills will allow you to understand your research problem, questions, and theories in a way that will get your study approved quicker. So, if you want to invest in yourself, I am more than happy to work with you during this continuously evolving scientific process.

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