Knowing the Difference is Key
The word paradigm is associated with a methodology when conducting research and simply means the processes used along with common beliefs of researchers, professionals, or organizations such as a university. In research, there are two major paradigms: Empirical (quantitative) or constructivist (qualitative) paradigms. These paradigms include perceptions, assumptions, and practices, which forms the reality of a study. How do we decide which paradigm to choose from when conducting a dissertation study?
Qualitative and quantitative research paradigms are like twins. They both have similarities, yet there are distinct differences. Researchers using the quantitative approach is more analytical and focused on using numbers to answer research questions about attitudes and behaviors. The purpose is to explain, control, or predict a phenomenon, condition, or outcome in a population.
Researchers using the qualitative paradigm is more interpretative, descriptive, and subjective. Reality is more verbose and explained in narrative form as apposed to using numbers. The goal is to construct reality based on individuals lived experiences as they interact in their social world. Those experiences however is mediated through the experiences of the researcher’s own experience and perspective about the topic. The final outcome is to express the participants own perspectives and not those of the researcher.
Each methodology has its own strengths and weaknesses. The problem chosen and the format of the concern is what determines which of the two paradigms is best suited to study a phenomenon. The qualitative method is concerned with why and how a problem or situation exist. The quantitative methodology is more concerned with what factors or to what extent a problem exist. Qualitative studies are subjective, and findings are constructed by individual’s experiences. Quantitative outcomes are based on relationships found or effects of an exposure using statistical models.
While the quantitative is more matter of fact and less subjective, the qualitative does require more introspection and agreement. For instance, identifying the shade of drying paint. Your committee must agree with you and among themselves on the outcomes your qualitative study. The quantitative methodology is not so subjective because as long as calculations are done correctly, two plus two is four for everyone. As such, the problem you pose might lend itself better to one type of research paradigm and method over another. Regardless of the paradigm chosen, research must include good scholarly writing, must be clear, which requires planning on what to say. The outcome of your study needs to confirm existing literature, disconfirm existing literature, or extent existing literature.
I am a dissertation coach, I can help you with you academic writing, and with all areas of your study, from premise or prospectus, and with Chapter’s 1 – 5 or Section’s I to III. Please feel free to reach out to me for a free consultation if you need help getting through your dissertation study. Success is not an accident. It is willful, thoughtful, and purposeful. I can help you accomplish your goals sooner, rather than later. Make your move today and get in touch with me.