People will rave when you cross the stage. - Alleyne Academics Inc.

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Quantitative & Qualitative Research and Analysis for Graduate Students and Professionals.

People will rave when you cross the stage.

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Dissertation Achievement Through Competence

The one thing graduating with your doctorate degree will demonstrate is competence. Competence is an ideal core for achievement and has a precise meaning with a profound psychological foundation. When writing the dissertation, students often feel a measure of achievement when their work is accepted (demonstrating competence).

The stadium will rock, and people will rave when your graduate with your doctorate degree and cross that stage. Demonstrating competence has a substantial effect on the emotion and well-being of students. Research committees often have a negative response to incompetence and a positive reaction to competence, which is clearly aligned with achievement of the doctoral degree. Incompetency is not as simple as a typo or a grammatical error. Its more about core abilities to demonstrate critical thinking and a deep comprehension of subject matters.

Competence is deep-rooted with a set of structural requirements grounded in guidelines for empirical and theoretical work that allow literature to progress. Developing competences therefore require having a set of abilities, skills, expertise for meeting the demands of the dissertation. If you are in a doctoral program, that alone is evidence that you have required abilities, which must be developed into competencies, then competencies into expertise.

Motivation for achievement of academic goals are often daunted when doctoral students are unable to show competencies by combining their abilities, skills, and expertise to meet the rigor of the dissertation. Its not that these accomplishment traits are not already in you, it’s that many students are not aware of the competencies required to realize achievement of passing the dissertation.

This is where a dissertation coach comes in. The truth is, if you stick with it long enough, you may eventually figure out how to combine your abilities, skills, and expertise to demonstrate your competencies. Unfortunately, for many, before such goals are achieved, students run out of time, money, motivation, or all three. Isn’t it time to invest in a dissertation coach to help improve your competencies? Contact me today, I will help you.

Dr. D. Chris Alleyne

Dissertation Coach (since 2009)

980-722-2627 (WhatsApp)


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