Developing your Academic Identity - Alleyne Academics Inc.

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Quantitative & Qualitative Research and Analysis for Graduate Students and Professionals.

Developing your Academic Identity

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Developing your academic identity is what should inform your chosen research areas along with the approach you take in its exploration. The choice of research area should be meaningful to you as a research, which is often motivated by a number of factors. Researchers agreed that personal belief systems were what informed and how knowledge was perceived by academic students. This system is guided by the relationship people have with their belief system and the strategies used to discover that belief system.

You may be aware of three methods for exploring research; the qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods. Each method has an underpinning philosophy and choosing a method of inquiry should be personally meaningful to you as an academic researcher. Choosing a method can be dependent on your personal preference, motivation, context, or philosophical beliefs. The lingering questions is which method should you choose? The quantitative method is useful when testing relationships between variables, or the effectiveness of interventions, and then making inferences about the population.

The qualitative method provides mechanisms for understanding what motivates these relationships or what supports these relationships such as found in quantitative studies. Qualitative research is helpful for understanding why people make choices made and how these choices contributed to their experiences and behaviors. Researchers like you who embark on these academic journeys must ensure that your academic identity becomes evident by pursuing research that contributes to the public good, create constructive dialogue for enhancing not just the university you represent, but your own goals, and values as a researcher.

As a dissertation coach, my job is to ensure excellent performance in meeting the high standards of the doctoral discipline, thereby increasing your competence. I will help you interpret information, create self-generating answers, and keep your thoughts closely aligned with the requirements of the dissertation and your study. Much of my clients benefitted from this approach along with the motivation working with me brings. Benefits also include, having a better understanding of your study, be able to defend your arguments, learn proven techniques for writing, assimilation, and synthesizing information into your own personal academic voice. If you feel you can benefit from this type of intervention, I am happy to help you. Please contact me here.


Dr D. Chris Alleyne

Dissertation/Academic Coach (12 yrs. Exp.)
Statistics, All Research Designs, Dissertation Expertise.
Helping Professionals Achieve Self-actualizing Greatness!
“Success, No Excuses”
Cell/WhatsApp: 980-722-2627

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